Health and Nutrition
Healthy, Organic, And Grass-Fed Meals

All of our meals are prepared fresh daily and delivered to our facility ready to enjoy. They all include protein, grains, fruits and vegetables. We also provide organic milk and juice. We offer breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks for a full day program.
There is always fresh fruit incorporated in the daily snack. We take our kids’ nutrition and well being very seriously.
Our poultry is beyond organic and free range: it’s 100% pastured and organic-fed. Our beef is beyond pastured: it’s 100% grass-fed and 100% grass-finished. They meet the highest standards of the American Grassfed Association.
Establishment of a peaceful environment lies at the core of Montessori education. Dr. Montessori was the champion of the revolutionary concept of an open classroom, where children are guided rather than controlled. She believed that by giving children the freedom to exist in a cooperative environment rather than a competitive one, they learn respect, how to work both alone and collectively, and with children of different ages and abilities. In fact, they learn more readily from observing others because of their mutual differences, as they are at their most absorbent stage of knowledge acquisition as young humans.
The mission of all Montessori teachers is to create an atmosphere of calm, order and joy in the classroom and to be there to help and encourage the children in all their efforts, allowing them to develop self-confidence and inner discipline. With the younger students at each level, the teacher is more active, demonstrating the use of materials and presenting activities based on an assessment of the child’s requirements. Knowing how to observe constructively and when, and how much, to intervene, is one of the most important talents the Montessori teacher acquires during a rigorous course of training.
When Montessori principles are applied in the wider context of society, their possibilities are vast and all encompassing. It is only through teaching children to love themselves, their work, their peers and the environment within which they exist, that we can expect them to continue on as such as adults in the world community. Peace can only be achieved through education.
We are located at 337 Route 9 South, Manalapan, NJ 07726. You can call us at (732) 786-3133. If you have any questions about our programs, pricing, or anything else, feel free to contact us using the form below or at [email protected].